RiNU - Eastern Quoll
“Deep in the dark of the forest under a starlit night sky, RiNU emerges from a hollow log. Wind whispers through the grass - everything else is silent. She’s aware that dangers are everywhere, but as an Apex predator she must find food. Her night vision and teeth attack mean that only HARRiSii is an immediate problem, but she must also contend with a habitat getting smaller and smaller as more of the humans build houses and roads...”
ANiMOZ #001
Code: RiNU
Common name: Eastern quoll
Taxonomy: Dasyurus viverrinus
Level: APEX | Form: PREDATOR | Status: HIGHLY RARE
BiOME: Forest + Scrub
Overcomes: Flood
RiNU is sometimes called Australia’s native cat, and for many a good reason. One such cause for comparison is their amazing vision in the dark of night. Being predators that enjoy the cover of darkness, and do most of their hunting at night, they need to use this power to see! As with other ‘cats’, RiNU’s eyes include a tapetum lucidum which reflects light and enables far greater sensitivity in darkness than we have as Rangers.
One of RiNU’s most important attributes is her Treeclimb power. Being a medium-sized Predator, her prey includes a range of smaller critters including lizards, birds, insects and smaller mammals. Being able to surprise their prey from a branch can be the difference between life and death! She can race up a tree trunk before her food has time to react.
Despite not being the largest predator, few creatures can stand in RiNU’s way. Her Powers give her cutting-edge advantages, and her feisty nature means she’s normally safe. But her larger cousin, HARRiSii, is an exception, and she must be careful not to get caught in his way…
RiNU will automatically lose any Clash where he is up against an APEX-WING species, as he does with HARRiSii. These stealthy predators of the sky are able to swoop down and attack before RiNU can prepare himself.

Species Report: RiNU the Eastern Quoll
The Eastern Quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) is RiNU! RiNU come in two colour morphs: dark and fawn. A litter of RiNU can include both colours! RiNU was once found across eastern Australia but is now restricted to Tasmania. RiNU are nocturnal, hunting alone at night. About the Eastern Quoll Though she be but little, she is …
How ANiMOZ Helped Australian Wildlife in 2020
2020 was the first full year of ANiMOZ being out in the Ranger community! Whilst it was a challenging 12 months both for Rangers and endangered species, we’re proud to say we helped make an impact. We supported three organisations working to save some of your favourite ANiMOZ creatures out in the wild: Foundation for …
Know your ANiMOZ species: RiNU (Dasyurus viverrinus)
Know Your Species series: RiNU (Dasyurus viverrinus) One of the most important animals for a Ranger to understand when playing the Offical ANiMOZ Ultimate Ranger Gameplay is the Apex Predator. That becomes particularly important when one such species is also Highly Rare… Enter RiNU, the Eastern quoll! Deep in the dark of the forest …
Know your ANiMOZ species: RiNU (Dasyurus viverrinus) Read More »