MAL Mallee Emu-Wren - ANiMOZ - Fight for Survival
MAL the Mallee Emu-Wren - ANiMOZ - Fight for Survival - Australian animals collectible card game - Species profile - Booster Cards

MAL - Mallee Emu-Wren

ANiMOZ #116

Code: MAL

Common name: Mallee Emu-Wren

Taxonomy: Stipiturus mallee

Level: CARN | Form: FLEE


Overcomes: Flood | Drought



MAL’s short wings mean he’s not built for long distance flights. But he does have a long tail that gives him great balance, and aids with his Grassrun Superpower! By scurrying through spinifex grasses in his Scrub homeland, he stays hidden from potential predators that can’t keep up in the thick underbrush.


Whilst constructing her nest amongst the grasses and shrubs, MAL will use her amazing Weaving skills to pull together reeds and grasses into sturdy dome-shaped nests. This amazing power keeps her eggs safe in strong winds and well hidden from prying eyes.



Sadly, living in a fire-prone region with constant changes in climate means MAL has frequent, rapid population drops. This can cause them to suffer from ‘genetic bottlenecks’ which inhibits their ability to build sustainable, diverse populations.


Because MAL can’t fly very far, and are fairly sedentary birds overall, they struggle to disperse enough to avoid the issues that comes with their other weakness: Bottleneck. Their genetic diversity remains low, with individuals not moving far enough from their area of birth.

Australian Scrub - scrubland Illustration - ANiMOZ BiOME Art
MAL the Mallee Emu-Wren - ANiMOZ - Fight for Survival - Australian animals collectible card game - Species profile - Booster Cards
The ANiMOZ Aussie Wildlife Vote 2020 Recap - Banner - Emuwren - Booster Pack

The ANiMOZ Aussie Wildlife Vote 2020 – Recap

By HeadRanger | September 1, 2020

The inaugural ANiMOZ Aussie Wildlife Vote has ended, with the Pygmy bluetongue being voted in to the Booster Packs in top position. After 31 days, 4000 votes, 30 species and tight competition, the 3 animals to make the first official ANiMOZ Booster Packs have been decided by you, Rangers from across Australia: the Pygmy bluetongue …

The ANiMOZ Aussie Wildlife Vote 2020 – Recap Read More »