LAGOTi - Greater Bilby
ANiMOZ #206
Code: LAGOTi
Common name: Greater Bilby
Taxonomy: Macrotis lagotis
Level: OMNI | Form: FLEE
Overcomes: Drought | Fire
LAGOTi has huge, hairless ears that capture the slightest sound for him to pinpoint prey, and detect predators. They can rotate, fold and bend freely. Using these special features, his AURALITY Superpower allows LAGOTi to pick out Base species buried in the sand of his Desert home.
LAGOTi is able to breed multiple times each year, as she has one of the shortest pregnancies in the mammal kingdom! It takes just 2 weeks for the joey LAGOTi to arrive, and this special Superpower can help give the joeys the best chance of survival, as the mothers can give birth whilst environmental conditions are favourable.
In the wild, LAGOTi is not known to live very long. Most wild LAGOTi found are under one year old.
Because of their amazing AURALITY power, and strong sense of smell, LAGOTi does not need to rely on her vision. Which is a good thing, because she can’t see very well! This has likely evolved because of her nighttime activity - the best time to avoid her native predators, but not a time when strong eyesight is required.

Learn about LAGOTi the Easter Bilby
The Greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is LAGOTi – a Highly Rare animal from the Desert! There were once two species of bilby – Greater and Lesser – but the Lesser bilby became extinct due to predation from Invasive Species (feral cats and foxes). Bilbies are believed to have inhabited Australia for up to 15 million …
From the Field: Ranger Cass talks about LAGOTi!
From the Field: Headquarters speaks to real-life Rangers working to save ANiMOZ species! In our From the Field series, we talk to scientists working across Australia to save the Rare and Highly Rare animals you know from the World of ANiMOZ. Today, we hear from Ranger Cass who works with LAGOTi! HQ: Hi Ranger …