BOMBi - Teddy Bear Bee
“There is a salty tang to the air as BOMBi starts his morning rounds. Living along the eastern Coast makes that common, but it’s not the ocean he is interested in. His TUBE ATTACK helps him fulfil his primary Superpower: GARDENER, as he plays a critical role in this seaside BiOME. BOMBi is a Pollinator, helping native flowers to be fertilised whilst feeding himself at the same time. But danger is nearby, as a swarm of SUCHi approach! He quickly hovers above the petals he was poised upon, and makes his getaway...”
ANiMOZ #405
Code: BOMBi
Common name: Teddy bear bee
Taxonomy: Amegilla bombiformis
Level: BASE | Form: Pollinator | Status: Infrequent
BiOME: Coast
Overcomes: Flood | Drought | Persecution
Using his incredibly long tongue, BOMBi performs his Tube Attack power whilst hovering in mid-air. With this ability, he can reach the nectar hidden deep within the long tubes of flowers in his coastal BiOME. Nectar that others can’t reach.
Extra long hair on her feet mean BOMBi collects lots of pollen as she flits from flower to flower. When she drops this amongst the petals, she helps to pollinate other plants, thus supporting the habitat that depends on pollinators like her. This special power is critical for her survival, as it enables the habitat in which she lives.
Despite being able to fly away, if BOMBi faces SUCHi in a Clash, it is an automatic loss for him as SUCHi calls for a backup Swarm!
As with many Base species, BOMBi is sadly affected by toxic pesticides and poison used in our gardens and farms. This is having a massive effect on her populations.

Species Report: BOMBi the Teddy bear bee
The Teddy bear bee (Amegilla bombiformis) is BOMBi – a Pollinator species from the Coast BiOME Also known as the Golden-haired mortar bee – a solitary bee endemic to Australian coastal habitats. BOMBi is a large bee, growing up to 15mm long. A Pollinator species, the Teddy bear bee helps many of our native plants …
Meet BOMBi – Australia’s Teddy Bear Bee
The Australian Teddy bear bee is BOMBi! Australia’s Teddy bear bee (Amegilla bombiformis – or as our Rangers know him: BOMBi) is one of the many Australian pollinators suffering from habitat destruction and industrial agriculture. In ANiMOZ, BOMBi is a Base species who can be found in the Coast BiOME and helps rangers overcome Floods, …