Northern Bettong - ANiMOZ - Fight for Survival

Northern Bettong

Australian Wildlife Conservancy - Northern bettong - The ANiMOZ Aussie Wildlife Vote 2020 - ANiMOZ Booster Pack


Restricted to a narrow band of tall eucalypt forests on the edge of North Queensland’s Wet Tropics, the Northern Bettong (a pint-sized kangaroo relative) is one of Australia’s most endangered mammals. It moves with a low distinctive hop, holding its paws close as it seeks out ectomycorrhizal fungi (truffles!) which make up its extravagant diet. Although small, it plays an outsized role in its ecosystem, digging for food and spreading fungal spores which unlock soil nutrients and benefit the whole forest. This species is threatened by feral predators and herbivores, climate change and altered fire regimes. Image courtesy of Wayne Lawler/AWC.


Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) is working to secure the future of the Northern Bettong by re-establishing a population at Mt Zero-Taravale Wildlife Sanctuary, which sits within the recent historical range of the species. AWC is constructing a feral predator-proof fence which will create a safe haven for the Bettongs, safe from cats and foxes. AWC is also working with Girringun Rangers to restore a healthy fire regime in the tall eucalypt forest at Mt Zero-Taravale, which maintains the open grassy understorey and helps ensure there is an abundance of tasty truffles for the Bettongs to feed on.

You can vote for AWC and the Northern bettong right here in The ANiMOZ Aussie Wildlife Vote 2020!