Leadbeater's Possum - ANiMOZ - Fight for Survival

Leadbeater’s Possum

Leadbeater's Possum photo - The ANiMOZ Aussie Wildlife Vote 2020 - ANiMOZ Booster Pack


Leadbeater’s possum is Victoria’s only endemic marsupial. It was thought extinct until rediscovery in 1961. It’s habitat is the Ash forests of the Central Highlands which are also highly desired by the logging industry. As a result there has been a decline in the big old, hollow-bearing trees in which the possum builds its communal nests. Recent fires have also destroyed important habitat. Image courtesy of Steven Kuiter, Wildlife Photographics.


We work to advocate for the species and its forest habitat, educating the public about this special Victorian. We also work closely with scientists studying the forest and connecting them with the public, including engaging volunteer “stagwatchers”. We also participate in habitat regeneration projects. We have taken the government logging agency VicForests to Court, winning a favourable judgment in May 2020. The results of this case are just beginning to be felt and include the decision by Bunnings to stop selling VicForests timber.

You can vote for Leadbeater’s possum right here in The ANiMOZ Aussie Wildlife Vote 2020!