ViRiD Green Tree Python - ANiMOZ - Fight for Survival
ViRiD - ANiMOZ - Fight for Survival - Australian animals collectible card game - Species profile - Green tree python

ViRiD - Green Tree Python

“A shimmering green merges with the bright, wet leaves of the forest. With head raised, ViRiD waits patiently for her prey to look away, before striking! Aside from a brief squawk, the kill is silent, and she firmly wraps her body around her meal. Her CONSTRICTION Power makes this an easy victory, and as a Predator with few creatures capable of spotting her amongst the treetops, she can safely enjoy her success...”

ANiMOZ #101

Code: ViRiD

Common name: Green tree python

Taxonomy: Morelia viridis

Level: Carn | Form: Predator | Status: Infrequent | BiOME: Forest

Overcomes: Drought | Flood



When ViRiD spots her prey, she will move into position and ready her body  for the killer strike! Using her Accordistrike power, she pulls her body into a  bunched position, enabling a powerful extension to reach her victim before they know she’s even there!


Using his powerful muscles, ViRiD will take hold of his prey and, wrapping himself around it, squeeze the air out of its lungs, crushing the victim's body.



Whilst well-camouflaged in her arboreal home, ViRiD is in danger of being clasped by powerful talons from above. In a Clash, she automatically loses to a Wing species.

Australian Forest - Forest Illustration - ANiMOZ BiOME Art
ViRiD - Green tree python - Australian snakes - Jannico Kelk - ANiMOZ - Trading card game - Australian animals
ViRiD in the wild! Photo by Ranger Jannico Kelk (@jannicokelk)
ViRiD - Green tree python - Australian snakes - Jannico Kelk - ANiMOZ - Trading card game - Australian animals

Species Report: ViRiD the Green tree python

By Ranger Tessa - ANiMOZ Ecologist | July 16, 2020

The Green tree python (Morelia viridis) is ViRiD – a Carn Predator from the Forest! Adult Green tree pythons are 150-180 centimetres long, but can grow up to 200 centimetres They can live for up to 20 years Juveniles are a different colour from the adults.   Found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and northern …

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